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The season of Fasting 
50 days fasting and Prayer 

Prayer Points.

1.Father I thank you for sparing my life and making me to witness this great year 2016.
2.Father I thank you for divine healings and divine health over the past years.
3.Father I thank you for divine provision and protection over the past years.
4.Father I thank you for every blessing and favour I have received form you so far.
5.Father I thank you for counting me worthy of this great revival and changes that is about to happen.
6.Father I thank you for your church Paradise of God that you have been keeping/upholding.
7.Father I thank you for every various deliverance of all sort you have done in my life. Psalm 91:3
8.Daddy please empower me and the church for the assignment you have for us in Jesus mighty name. Acts 1:8
9.Daddy kindly bestow upon me and the church the grace to carry out this assignment without wavering or fainting. Isaiah 40 vs. 31

10. Father, grant me the ability to wait totally upon you henceforth and to do things in your own way Prov 3 vs. 5-6.

Pastor Joesph Olusola-Dada


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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