The season of Fasting 
50 days fasting and Prayer 

Prayer Points.

1.Father I thank you for sparing my life and making me to witness this great year 2016.
2.Father I thank you for divine healings and divine health over the past years.
3.Father I thank you for divine provision and protection over the past years.
4.Father I thank you for every blessing and favour I have received form you so far.
5.Father I thank you for counting me worthy of this great revival and changes that is about to happen.
6.Father I thank you for your church Paradise of God that you have been keeping/upholding.
7.Father I thank you for every various deliverance of all sort you have done in my life. Psalm 91:3
8.Daddy please empower me and the church for the assignment you have for us in Jesus mighty name. Acts 1:8
9.Daddy kindly bestow upon me and the church the grace to carry out this assignment without wavering or fainting. Isaiah 40 vs. 31

10. Father, grant me the ability to wait totally upon you henceforth and to do things in your own way Prov 3 vs. 5-6.


By Pastor Sola-Dada Joseph.
#RccghopeofglorySA @bible_rabbi

LUKE 6:17-19; Matt 9:27-31;Act 5:16; Mark 6:7,12-13(James 5:14-16)

They came to.

1. To hear the the word of life Luke 5:1, John 6:63
2. To be delivered Mark 9:14-27; Mark 3:11, Matthew 9:32-33(Dumb); 
3. To be healed  Mark 3:10(All kind); Luke 5:12-14(Leper); Luke 5:4-7(Business) John 5:1-9(Long sickness); Mark 8:22-26(Blind); Matt 9:20-22(Issue of blood) Act 5:16
4. To raised them from death Luke 7:11-15; Matthew 9:18,23-26 
5. To calm the storm that threatens their life Matthew 8:23-27
4. To heal them by compassion and mercy Matthew 9:35-36, Mark 10:46-52
5. To be anointed with oil for their healing James 5:14-16, Mark :7,12-13
6. To give them power to do miracles Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:19


- He needs your faith Matt 9:27-31
-You must connect with him by salvation 2Corinthians 6:2
- Stay connected by holy living John 5:14
- Continue to pray 1 Thessalonians 5:17


By Pastor Sola- Dada Joseph.
#rccghopeofglorySA @bible_rabbi

PSALM 46:1-5; Isaiah 49:8; 2 Chronicles 14:11-12; Hebrew 4:15-16; Psalm 37:40; Luke 1:25; Genesis 30:23;
Every blessings and actions of God is provoke by the action of man or seasons Psalm 102:13; Habakkuk 2:2-3; Ecclesiastes 9:11
Therefore, the help of the Lord will reach you at different times, seasons and base on certain factors which we will attempt to discuss below:
1. God will help you in the time of trouble Psalm 46:1(Isaiah 36:18,37:14-20:34-38.
2. He will help you right early Psalm 46:5; Isaiah 37:36, Psalm 90:14
3. He will always arise for the help of those that call upon him 2 Chronicles 14:11-12; 20:4,12-15, Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 50:15; 107:6
4. Whenever you get to the throne of grace you will receive the necessary help at the point of need. Hebrew 4:16, 2 Peter 3:18.
5. When you trust in God Psalm 37:40
6. When it is time for your reproach to be taken away Luke 1:25, Genesis 30:23
7. When it is your turn to testify Psalm 102:13; Genesis 21:1;18:10-14
8. When God is with you 2 Chronicles 32:7-8,20-21; Psalm 16:11; 2 Chronicles 3:17
9. When you partner with God 2 Chronicles 26:5-15
10. In the time of salvation Isaiah 49:8, 2 Corinthians 6:2

Matthew 15:21-28; Isaiah 41:10-13
Prerequisite means: Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen.
God has promised to help His children but there are conditions to receive God's blessings
1. Fear not or don't be afraid: Fear was described by a speaker as the interest you pay on the loan you have not receive. It is an underestimation of your God and his promises. Isaiah 43:1; 44:2 Imagine the ten spies testimony Numbers 13:33 fear will make you a victim, unpopular, weak, inconsequential before battles of life
God has said fear not because there are situations and circumstances that will cause fear this month but be strong Ephesians 6:10-11
2. Be not dismayed: Dismay means a sudden or total loss of courage, sudden danger or trouble,  distress, upset, anxiety etc Hebrew 10:35, lack of confidence made some soldiers to throw away their weapons of war and ran away but confidence will help others to stand up and fight(be in this category) Ephesians 6:10-18. You must arise and contend in battle Jeremiah 12:5
3. LET THE NAME OF JESUS BE YOUR WEAPON: Psalm 124:8 every blessing proceed from the God of heaven James 1:17 and in his name lies our refuge Proverb 18:10, Psalm 46:1
4. FAITH IS A MAJOR FACTOR: The woman came believing with great faith Matthew 15:28, Another man believed yet asked Jesus to help his faith Mark 9:23-27.
5. PAY YOUR TITHE: Malachi 3:8-12
6. Salvation is a major factor because the food that is meant for children cannot be cast to dogs Matthew 6:33, 

Isaiah 41:10-13, 2 Samuel 9:1-13, Ecclesiastes 10:5-7; 
Servants on horses and princes walking on the earth.

Isaiah 41:10-13
What is help?
According to reference dictionary: It is to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist.
Divine is that which is of God.
Help is on the way for you therefore, is an assurance to you that God is aware of what you are going through and he has decided to assist you Isaiah 43:2-4, Isaiah 65:24
In what area will He help you?
1. He has save you from sin and its repercussions Romans 5:8, John 3:15-16, Romans 4:25; 1 Peter 3:18;
2. He will heal your sickness and diseases Isaiah 53:4-5;1Peter2:24; Matthew 8;16-17
3. He will heal your emotional and psychological problems: Devil always try to capture the heart of man and rule over his spirit to put him in his prison but it is settled Luke 4:18-19; Mark 5:1-15
4. He will restore your hope where you have been abandoned and left for dead 2 King 4:1-7,Luke 7:11-15, John 5:1-9, John 9:1-9:25; Genesis 39:5:23;
5. He will resuscitate your dying business, ministry or career Luke 5:1-7; Genesis 26:1-5:12-14; Genesis 30:25-43; 

1. Let us praise God for His great, honorable and glorious work in our lives 
Psalm 111:1- 4
2. Father please speak let my body hear your word and make me whole Mark 10:52
3. Father, please speak let my entire system hear your word and be made free from every yoke Mark 5:8
4. Father, please speak so that Fruitlessness will end forever in my life Hebrew 4:12
5. Father, pleas speak to my future so that I will never know failure and defeat again. 1 Samuel 16:12-13
6. Father, please speak to my resources so that I will never lack again John 6:63
7. Father, pleas speak and change all curses in my life to blessings 2 King 2:21-22
8.Father, I surrender all my battles to you, arise and fight for me until victory is mine 
1 Samuel 17:47 
9. You stubborn enemy of my destiny I subdue you by the blood of Jesus Christ, I claim my total victory over you today in Jesus name Ephesians 1:7
10. Father, I overcome every force of disappointment, failure, miscarriage of testimony, trouble, tragedy, sickness and disease, stagnation, evil dreams, pain, frustration, divorce, curse and all manner of maladies by the name of Jesus Proverb 18:10
11. I command every barrier to my Favour to be remove now in Jesus name Psalm 102:13
12. Father, I reprogram my life for unending Favour from today Genesis 39:21
13. Father, open my eyes to know the secrets of my life Deuteronomy 29:29
14. Father, I declare my graduation from the school of struggle and suffering in Jesus mighty name. John 9:25
15.Father, on the altar of mercy and divine Favour give me a new song psalm 84:11,  Psalm 40:1-3
16. Father, Jesus was exalted because he loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Today I receive grace to do the same in Jesus name. Psalm 45:7
17. Let us thank God for answer to our prayers Psalm 102:17
The Siege is OVER

The Siege is OVER! 


1.    Thank God for His mercies over you, family, Nation and   His Church. 
        Lamentation 3:22.
2.    Father forgive us our sins. John 9:31. 
3.    God answer me as I call. Psalm 4:1.
4.    Lord deliver me from the trouble of life. Psalm 81:1,7-10.
5.    Father, turn my mountains to testimonies. Isaiah 55:12.
6.    Father, break your silence and reveal yourself to me.       Daniel 9:20-23. 
7.    Father, let my tears of sorrow turn to tears of joy. Isaiah 30:19. 
8.    Lord let the words of my mouth commit you. Psalm 54:2.
9.    Father, in your faithfulness attend to my request/supplications. Psalm 143:1.
10.  Father, rescue me speedily so that I will not die without testimonies. Psalm 143:7 .
11.  Father, give me notable miracles as I wait on you. Psalm 84:11.
12.  Father, in the multitude of thy mercy show me the way out for my life.
      Psalm 102:1-2,13,17.
13.  Father. Let your church become solution centers. Daniel 9:17.
   GOD WILL HEAR YOU........

Day 2: God will lift your burdens.

1. Let's exalt the name of the Lord using 1 Chronicles 29:11-13
2. Thank God for the gift of Jesus for the salvation of your soul. Rev. 7:10; Matthew 1:21. Thank God for forgiving you your sins.
3. Ask God to anoint you with Holy Ghost and fire. Father, fill me and your church with Holy Ghost as in the day of Pentecost. Matthew 3:11; Acts 2:1-4
4. Father, soak me with your rain of blessings, healing, knowledge, wisdom, abundance of material, financial and spiritual blessings. Hosea 1:3
5. Father, I call unto you, please deliver from all my enemies; for they are too strong for me. Psalm 18:16-17.
6. Father, I come to you. Please help me to overcome anything, character, behavior that would keep you far from me; pride, self praise, foolishness, backbiting, procrastination, laziness.... Matthew. 11:28-30.
7. Father, I hand over all my troubles, anxieties, fears to you. Arise O Lord and help me. 1 Peter 5:7
8. Father, I am in your presence now, please send your word and deliver from every evil covenant that has tied me to causes of poverty, barrenness, stagnancy, joblessness, sorrow, sickness.... Luke 13:10-16
9. Jesus, my saviour and my Lord, thou son of the living God, have mercy on me that my eyes may be opened to see the secret behind my condition. Romans. 10:13; Mark 10:46-52. Lead me out of the valley of darkness.
10. Father, set me apart for your glory with the anointing. 1 Samuel. 16: 1, 12 - 14; Luke 4:18-19.
11. Personal prayer.
12. Give thanks.

Day 3: You are HEALED!

1.      Exodus 23 : 25 -  Father I thank you for the gift of life and good health.
2.      3 John 1 : 2 - Father I thank you for the promise of good health and prosperity.
3.     Deuteronomy 7 : 15 - 
Father take away all my sickness and diseases, Financial sickness father take away -
4.     My body hear the word of the lord, jump out of every sickness and diseases in the name of Jesus.
5.     You Arrow of sickness from the camp of the enemies I reverse you back to the sender in the name of Jesus).
6.     Jeremiah 30 : 7 - Father restore my health and heal me of every sickness and diseases, financial sickness, financial disease in the name of Jesus.
7.     Psalm 107 : 20 - Father send forth your word to deliver me from destruction and heal me.
8.     Psalm 103 :  3 - Father  forgive me of my iniquity and heal me of every sickness as a result of my iniquity.
9.     Isaiah 30 : 26 -  Father in this 7 days of fasting and praying let my health shine in folds like the light of the sun shines and make my healing perfect.
10.    Isaiah 33 : 24 - Father according to your word,  I am not sick I am healed  and God has forgive me.
11.     Isaiah 58 : 8 - Father as the light breaks forth as the morning, let my health and finances spring forth speedily. I receive your glory as my reward.
12.      Jeremiah 17 : 14 - Heal me oh Lord and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved for thou are my praise.
13.     Jeremiah 33 : 6 -  Father according to your word, bring me sound health, cure me oh lord reveal unto me the abundance of peace and truth.
14.      Hosea 11: 3, Jeremiah 8 : 22 -  Father out of your mercy send your healing agent to me, let my healing be delivered with perfection.
15.      Malachi 4 : 2 - 3 - Father send forth the sun of righteousness with healing in his wings to deliver me from the oppression of the wicked, I tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under my feet.
16.    1Peter 2 : 24 - Decree and the declare by the stripes of Jesus I am healed.
17.     Thank God for healing and answered prayers.

1 Chronicles 4:9-10,

1. Let us appreciate God for His provisions and all round blessings Psalm 103:1-5
2. Father I ask for forgiveness of my sins and disobedience to your instructions which has hinder my blessings Malachi 3:8-9,
3. Father, as your covenant child by faith, let Abrahamic covenant be fulfill in my life Genesis 22:16-18; Job 42:12
4. Father, open unto me the treasures of heaven Isaiah 45:3, Deuteronomy 28.12
5. Father, pronounce your blessing upon my life, my family, the work of my hands, the fruit of my body and everything that concerns me Deuteronomy 28:4,8,11
6. Father, arise and contend with every army assigned to stop my advancement to all round blessings Joshua 6:1, 2 King 6:24; 7:6; Deuteronomy 28:7
7. Father, on the altar of your mercy and Divine Favour let me enter my season of all round harvest of testimonies Psalm 102:13
8. Lord almighty I enter into covenant with you today that I will no longer disobey your commandment so that I will not be curse Deuteronomy 28:15, Luke 6:38
9. Let us thank Him for answer to our prayers. Psalm 102:17